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VSPopUp is a small program that automatically closes popups windows.
Unlike many other similar programs, VSPopUp doesn't require that you add each popup window to a list. Also it does not close all new windows as they occur. It uses the smart identification engine, which recognizes real popup windows and closes them automatically, it can kill ActiveX dialogs too and it´s easy to install!

It´s simple to use and fits in your Internet Explorer tool bar!! 

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Fit in Internet Explorer ToolBar;
U can add a site to Allowed list;
Block ActiveX dialogs;
Works on 2 levels of security;
Uses a smart identification engine;
Multi Language!! ;
Can be deactivated;
Easy to use and to install.
ITS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Vs Informática - R. Dr Eduardo Amaro, nº152 conj 101 - Cep:04104-080
Paraiso - São Paulo - SP
Fones: (11)5549-6779 | 5549-4215